Sunday, October 22, 2006

Return of the KLUELESS!

Hello All,

Welcome to much awaited KLUELESS, I know this has been the much awaited thing in IRIS. The work for KLUELESS2 began the moment KLUELESS1 was over...... and trust me work it is not over as yet. Last year when I was solving it I thought that solving it was the most difficult part, but when we started making it this year, we realised how difficult it is to make a thing like KLUELESS.
What we assure you this time is that you would have an unique experience while solving it this year. We did an extensive search on internet for around 8 months before we started KLUELESS2 to find out what all forms of KLUELESS (or are available on net. There wasn't much variety and variation. They all were on very similar lines, i.e one level after the other, we wanted to do something different.
But then.... the question arose what different should we do?
And then one fine evening "Eureka!!" I cried. I told it to Gera, (Vineet Gera...My CoDevloper of KLUELESS2). When he heard my idea he din say anything and started walking away. " Gera!" I cried........ he kept on walking away... I cried out louder....... he din reply. I ran close to him and asked "Where are you going?"..... he replied " To make Klueless2" and kept on walking.

We started working and conceptualizing it. After the kind of experience we had while searching on similar games we realised, that many levels appear to be absurd to the KLUELESS solvers, so in addition to the development team we put a testing team as well. These testers had no idea about klueless before. So any level they could not solve is not there in KLUELESS2. So before you think "this level is absurd" remember that someone has crossed it before.

We would like to thank Kiran Bhatia, Vivek Mittal and Dr. Preet Pal for agreeing to become the game testers for KLUELESS2

I hope that you enjoy KLUELESSing and Blogging this time as well.


Vivek Mishra
Vineet Gera
& Phani Lanka

PS: Please dont be a spoiler by posting the answers in the blog or anywhere else.


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Neelesh Bodas said...

cracked all 20.
Great game guys.
hats off to your creativity
..worked day-night on this for last 2 days, to the extent that I was seeing the same things in dreams too ..lolz..

By the way, mods, are you *sure* there is no level 21?? :D check again ;)

Anonymous said...

guys som hint for 8 ....

Balakaushal said...

help for lvl 18 pls, some direction for the blind

Unknown said...

Level answer a meaningful word....plzzz give some directions on decoding the relation between cards and letters....

Balakaushal said...

help for 18

Anonymous said...

stuck @level 18 for over a day...someone help put here

Pais said...

guys for level 18, the blogs are the best hints.... go thru them well;)

Anonymous said...

Guys..I m stuck at 18. Need some help in finding the relation between the cards and the code. It definitely is a weird combo.

The winning combination is definitely A..K..Q.. I need some help to find the relation between the code and this combination.

Anonymous said...

ppl stuck @18 :

- Note that the winner won "marginally". Use this info to find the winning combination

- Note down the combo (suit + value of card) on a piece of paper. Do so for all 4 players. No abbreviations :D

- Try to guess the code based on what you have just written on the paper.

18 is not difficult.

Anonymous said...

Can some one please, please, please, please, please, please send me the sentence (not answer) for lvl 17 at

Unknown said...

Level 15 text box it is not there!!

Anonymous said...

rahul @level 16 - Please gimme some extra hint for level 16 except 8 movies, understep cat & japan. stuck here since yesterday.

Anonymous said...

@lvl 16
Where is the cat? Think more "globally". (I hope they dont delete this)

Pais said...

understep cat???? get one word for that;) reshuffle ur words and google that and wallah, answer it is....:)s

Unknown said...

What's with level 4? I've figured out that ????? ?? ?? ??? ??? is a movie whose lead actor's character's name was Frank and he acted in Titanic. I'm trying the name of the movie, the name of the actor, the name of the character, but NOTHING!!! HELP!

KayP said...

you have to be aware of criminals.

STUCK @16 :'(

Anonymous said...


Some useful hints please... wats the answer supp to be... a song, album... wats it??????

Anonymous said...

Rahul @ level 16 - Hi Pais & Priya, thanks for your help, but still unable to crack it. Searched for south, movie & japan etc. for last an hour. banging and screwing my offc work. Please mail relevent hint at

Anonymous said...

abe koi mujhe 18th batao kal se pada hoon is stage please....

R@Shm! said...

@7: something to do with the wall, googling should help u, try out options that are not obvious.

@Mods: srry if i m being too explicit. del the post if it is so.

Hints for 14 needed :)

RuK said...

level 13..any more hints apart from the last sentence..if appropriate, a hint on whther its a word or number

R@Shm! said...

@gullu: yeah !! trying to use as much of brains as I can in between work... :) Well got 14 finally !! Over to 15 now...

R@Shm! said...

@reshmi: level 13 is very easy. concentrate on the last sentence. Think wat u cant see but the person across u can.... something is "Ulta-Pulta" here... "May the dice roll ur side" :)

RuK said...

thanks rashmi..ure hint was helpful!

Anonymous said...

Hey ppl!!! please give sm solid clues for 16.... 'm badly stuck here from 2 days!!! sm1 plz give away...

Unknown said...

Clues for level 3 please

Anonymous said...

Hey guys please gimme the sentence for lvl 17. I promise to work out the rest myself. please mail it to me IAM583@YAHOO.COM

Unknown said...

Hi Priya..clues for level 3. Plz plz plz.. Tried Holmes, pipes etc etc.. Google not helping either

Anonymous said...

hey priya.... gimme a solid clue for 16... plz... i dnt mind even a give away... 've been here since 2 days... sleepless... plz hlp... sm1... any1... priya...

Shreyas said...


I've given up Level 10 guys...
can somebody plz send the solution to

Anonymous said...

hey sanjay... combine ur 2 things and google... u'll get the answer in the first search probably... u may not even hv to open the link...

Anonymous said...


man holmes pipe, some special name.... now try

Anonymous said...

lvl 17
biggest hint ever. the word was on every page :P

Unknown said...

hey guddu &lovek2. thank u man. got it atlast. :-)

Anonymous said...

lvl 16
2 words japanese.
southern most tip of earth

Anonymous said...

hey shreyas, chk ur mail...

Sandeep Acharya said...

For #10
1) google the words of the hint
2) Ull get whom it belongs to
3) What round thing can it possibly be on? Remember that this round thing is generally around young ppl like us.. Note: Round NOT spherical...

The 115 part can be connected once u get the answer.. search on wiki to get the real meaning of why 11 and ode to joy are connected.. try this last hitsh effort.. still not getting, ill let ya knw on ur ID!

All the best.. keep trying!

Anonymous said...

hey loveclueless@conquered... thnks... finally got it... tnks a lot for giving me my nights sleep... now on 2 17...

Sandeep Acharya said...

Mr Guddu @ 16
I would not mind some clues for 16 to save some sleep myself.. I promise to b thankful to u!!
have been trying stuff like underdogs, understep cat and japan.. no hits!

Anonymous said...

for all those @17
let me invite you all in order to expand the circumference of my social circle

Cannot help more :P

Anonymous said...

hey priya... sm clues for 17 plz... i got the sentence... tried googling for the sentense... no luck... sm more clues plz...

Anonymous said...

11 is killing me dudes been stuck 4 2 days o plzzzzzz

Sandeep Acharya said...

@ 11 is killin me said...

Dude, u need to think of what else other than the obvious does the word "Doc" remind u of?
Clue: Try Wiki if u can think of nothing else..
then use that on the page.. somewhere.. here u may use "Take doc closest to souls" part.
rest i dont even need to tell u once ur there!
All the best!

Anonymous said...

ok i got the first part but now what ...cmmon guys u gotta giv away som hints....

Anonymous said...

i want hints on 9th. i think i knw that formula, tried replacing it, but then it is not moving ahead. wat is this ?

Unknown said...

what's the link to play klueless1?

Sandeep Acharya said...

@ 11 is killing me:
Hey, now use the short form of the word somewhere on the page!! ( I cant afford to be more explicit on this one! This is a give away)

Sandeep Acharya said...

@16 and Albert Imperator
Will "who is this dog" i.e. the dogs name combined with the positon number of the cat have nething to do with the answer? am i even on the rite track??

Anonymous said...

hey mods... i think some clues on the 10th level gotta be removed....especaially where someone says its not spherical and related to youth kinda tends to give away the offence to the members

Anonymous said...

regarding level 10.. is it something to do with music. guys let me know if i am on the right track. som more hints will help :)
i tried quite a few things not movin though..

Unknown said...

needs help @18
i've been thru the blog 3 times, got the hand & decoding, but i seem to be making the same mistakes as others who got stuck in encrypting the winning hand
a hint at the proper pattern wud be a godsend!!!! even by email so as not to spoil...
thnks!! ;)

Anonymous said...

guys i ve been blown out by 11 ....very close to actual thing still not getting it......S.O.S!!!

Anonymous said...

clues for level 16 please .. anything other than already given here....stuck badly :(

Sandeep Acharya said...

@ Samir
I agree its a give-away.. but i guess its cuz we knw the answer..
ppl are still not getting it.. I guess we can continue wid it.. but in case the mods decide against it.. then i have no issues and am sorry abt that!!

Prasad said...

do i need to know any particular serach engine for level 6?????

Anonymous said...

19th is too easy........just link it with "mangal pandey"....u know who???:-))

Anonymous said...


Is the sentence in English or some other language???

Prasad said...

mods help me.....stuck on level 6

I know its some search engine....but dont have a clue which one

Prasad said...

has level 6 got anything to do with yahoogoogle?

or owners of google?

Anonymous said...


So near yet so far !!!


Anonymous said...

What is be answer for level 7, is it a name of person/rock star/music band group?

Seems not all hints are right?

Balakaushal said...

clue required for 19. is it a english word, and any clue to show the way

Anonymous said...

guys hints 4 lvl 11 plz....

Anonymous said...

yaar is lvl 11 unwinnabl but many of u ve crossed it...balakaushal wht say?

Unknown said...

Helppppp on 19th Level answer catch line from any coke the answer in english or any other language....

Prasad said...


i agree after completing the level

so near yet so far...LOL

yet klue about level 7


Anonymous said...

17 is a total teaser. i'm kicking myself.

Aadil said...

@ 12

Help! Help! Help!

Anonymous said...

can anyone help me get to level 6 , kinda stuck at 5 pls help me

Anonymous said...

hey aadil plz help me get thru 11 head is meltin down ...hlp plz...

Aadil said...

@ Codemaster

Just concentrate on da doc....

Balakaushal said...

now final 20. help pls on lvl 20 .
help me in direction to fill 2 blanks

Anonymous said...

no no no.....tried everything ...goin crazy...som1 plz mail me lvl 11 :

Anonymous said...

stuck on 7 again! i could figure out the name of the person to be put there.. ( using the james bond and deepa mehta hint ) tried jumbling the name n surname too.. didn’t help

do i need to put the song name too along with the songwriter’s name?

Anonymous said...

som1 plz gimme 11...plz....

Balakaushal said...

finally completed, thanks to all the ppl who helped me with their hints and listened to my pleas.

thank you again

Unknown said...

@ balakaushal, Please give some good hint for 19 level...I am stuck there from quite some time now....

Anonymous said...

..been tryin out @11 since 2 days now cant hold ny longer...plz send me 11@
...thx in advance

Anonymous said...

can som1 send me the ans...

Anonymous said...

please someone give more hints for 20...

totally frustrated !!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Cleared all the levels upto the congratulations message also....So Is this an end of the game? In the Blog sw that some ppl are solving 21-22 levels. How they are solving then.

Vivek/Vinit, Please let us know if this is really an end or is this a trick....If it is trick...let us know how to go to next levels....

Anonymous said...


think wat else signifies color of the rainbow...some word or acronym

Anonymous said...


please give more clues on 20...have read the earlier clues and stories hazaar times :(

Anonymous said...

phew !! done 20 :)

Anonymous said...

stuck on 7 again! i could figure out the name of the person to be put there.. ( using the james bond and deepa mehta hint ) tried jumbling the name n surname too.. didn’t help

do i need to put the song name too along with the songwriter’s name?

Aadil said...

@ 12

Please help! Im goin bonkers with this....e

Anonymous said...

Some help on 20...pls totally Klueless

Aadil said...

12 finally done with!

Anonymous said...

Kindly hint for level 6 please ....

Anonymous said...

Guys... throw some light on 19. Is it in english or someother language?

Anonymous said...

Rahul @ level 18
Guys please help me for level 18. Read all the blogs and tried 128 combinations of words since yerterday but still no hope. Please give some extra hint and lemme me know is it a word or number.

Pais said...

@level 19: is good ol english...

Anonymous said...

Some help on 20...Plz....

Pais said...

@rahul : its letters arranged as a word...;)
1) get the wining hand
2) look at the 3 hands decrypt the code
3) encrypt ur hand

sorry for confusing you more:)

Anonymous said...

guys i got level 10 answer but that through just "round" and "electronics" clues. I am still not able to figure out how ode to joy is connected to the 115? and the connection between the answer and the picture ?????

Pais said...

@damn20 : go thru all the you have a number with you... go thru all the levels and figure out, where could you get that number from....????
this is a give away...

Anonymous said...

have been through levels 14-19 a hundred times. The brain refuses to see light.
Any help on how the two fields are related.
Plz give something, other than go back to 14-19

Pais said...

@confused by lvl10 :
the scale shows the diameter of the device...
ode to joy and 115 point to beethoven, which is a m*****l which you wud find on that device:)
i'm guessing thats the link

Pais said...

@lvl 20: the relation btw two fields.... it forms a sentence, its like fill in the blanks....

Anonymous said...

this is what the admins gave me when i was at 20
There was a story which used the hint from a previous round
now try and figure out where could it be on the items in that story. it was thr when u got thr. now thing what all items did u get while solving the case. and try to solve where can the number be hidden so that it is not visible to the eye.
hope i didn't confuse u. pls dont GIVE UP.

I love to see the world up and down :P

Anonymous said...

@confused by lvl10 and @pias
Let me explain the picture so that u can enjoy it.
Earlier what u typed as answer was 115 and that was enough. but it fell short for u know what. so just to make that fit it was increased from 115 to a bigger one.

Hope u can now enjoy the logic.

Anonymous said...

@level 20

try and look for one place from where u cud find the number stored...think all the things which u got as clues till now

Anonymous said...

pais/love2clueless@conquered... sm clues for 17 plz...

R@Shm! said...

Helppp Pls Level 16: Tried everything, Pluto, Japanese, 9th Planet, Antarctica, gonna collapse nw. Pls help with some other hints...

Anonymous said...

cracked 20...yippee...thanks guys...

Anonymous said...

combine 2 things in ur list... i mean, get the japanese name for the one u hv figured out already...

hey pais... smthin on 17 plz....
love2clueless plz... smthin on 17.... plz plz plz...

Anonymous said...

come on that is not the truth u didn't try all these in japanese. told u its 2 japanese words

hope this help :P

Unknown said...

Clues for 17 plz.found the sentence using Sun logo but wht next

Anonymous said...

damn 20: sm light on 17 plz...

Anonymous said...

I have posted hints for it many times. here's it once again. u know sun logo has s made out of u's kept one below other in some format. now u have a sentence which can be read as shown by the graph.
try to figure out the sentence and be specific while u search for something related to it.
In google if u want to be specific u have to put the whole thing in quotes "".

Hint 2 - it was on all the pages of the game.

hint 3 - if u crack it send me an invitation to be ur friend :P

cannot help more.

Anonymous said...

For 17: It is one of the more straightforward ones. The clues are already there.
1. Sun logo is the best one. 2. Remember, google is your friend.
For the Mods,
how do you get to 21 after finishing 20?

R@Shm! said...

@Adi and @loveklueless2@conquered

Thnks a lot guys.... Finally got it :)

Ash said...

hey guys just dusted off lvl 20 ...whats with further levels..mods pls throw some light....are there any levels after 20?? i mean after the congrats screen...

Anonymous said...

Rahul @ level 18:
Please help me on level 18, I am not able to find out how to decrypt and encryot the given letters with respect to cards.

Pais said...

@adi : for 17
wat does the graph say????
the hint to it is on all the pages(google is ur playground once u figured wat the graph says)

Klueless 2 said...
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Klueless 2 said...




but we promise a brand new game soon

Vineet Gera
Team Klueless2

Unknown said...

somebody help me for level 7.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

some help for level 7 pleeeeeeeaaasssseeeeee

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

please send a hint for level 7.


Unknown said...

Please send hint for level 7.


Anonymous said...

Level 7 plsssssssssssssssssss......

Unknown said...

Any clue on level 14

Unknown said...

I believe level 7 is really difficult. U can go through the other hints n definitely u can crack a wall, what lies beneath the crust...have u heard some song with something like that.....go on google it...

what about level 14, any clues...

R@Shm! said...

@7: concentrate on "The Wall" and may MR.Google help u. Think of Deepa Mehta's creation for the answer. I hope this should help... Too many hints, :p

R@Shm! said...

@14: probability, first two digits rest all zeros, search in google. Reading the blogs carefully would be more than a help.

Anonymous said...

hey loveklueless2@conquered: ur clues really help... plz throw some light on 18... 'm stck here from mornin...
or just give away at

'm on the verge of giving up...

Anonymous said...

Klueless2 team!!! Kudos to you people! Awesome game!!! Keep the good work going on? :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, this one is too easy. Take a break, and tru to write down stuff on a paper. The name of the cards and the corresponding code. Try to decipher it. Its not too difficult. There is a very simple logic.
Hope you have the winning cards? If not, google for "flush using three cards". This will give you the answer to the winning set.

Anonymous said...

@Rohit: 'm bad at cards man... plz just send me a give away...

'm pulling my hair aftr this... i just give UP!!!

Unknown said...

thanks rashmi, what a nice clue it was.....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dude, this is easy man! Seriously. I cracked this in a few min. There is no fun in a give-away!
Firstly, did you get the set of cards that he should have to win?

Anonymous said...

hey Rohit... het Love2klueless@conquered...
me goin nuts on 18... bad at cards... but found sm winning combi then did sm decoding... doesnt workout to the correct answer... help me....

Anonymous said...

Dude, I would love to help you out, but I don't have access to my mail. :) Justy have my official mail and that is not to be used for this.
Shall mail you when I get home from work man, if you have not got the answer till then that is.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@anon the one above me

Dude, you just spoilt the fun of the game!!!
MODS!!! to the rescue!!!
Where are you people!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

cmon man dont post answers in here!!

btw i need hints for level 20.

Anonymous said...

Hey Klueless2 MODS, where are you guys?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@Anon on lvl20
The clue is to see the page. It itself says refer to the previous six levels.
Now think of where numbers were involved.
The answer is right there. :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i've been through that stuff 5 times now man, and hey wats up with posting the answers man? not cool.

Anonymous said...

@rohit the imposter
I know you think its funny to use my name and blog.
But I know that I am not such a cheapster to give out the answers or impersonate somone else!!!

Anonymous said...

@the fake rohit above me

dude get a life man. i'm done with Klueless, why would i want to spoil someone else's fun?

Anonymous said...

I was referring to the imposter man! I never said, "rohit above me"!!!

Anonymous said...

Rahul @ levcel 20:
please provide good hint to decode level 20, as what are the words/numbers to write in first and second sace.

Anonymous said...

@Rahul level 20
first space write your moms name, second space, the chap who's responsible for you.

the level is pretty easy otherwise.

Anonymous said...

For people at level 20:

Think of the past 6 levels.
Where was a number involved?
the answer is right there.


Anonymous said...

my name is rahul not rohit, and i do weed and i fly all day long. la la la la la.

Anonymous said...

hey rohit... thnks for the motivation... i had the first 3 and the last letters right... just tried other combinations with these and finally one combi worked... cudnt hv done without the motivation from u... thnks a ton man... now on to 19...

Anonymous said...

oh did i mention im Klueless too. hehe Klueless "too" get it?
Klueless '2' you dumb morons.

this gun is not what it seems. it is not a gun. it is inadmissible evidence. in fact this gun is a non gun

Anonymous said...

Don't mention it man. :)
Level 19 is also a super one, I rate it second, after level 10. :)
Keep the good work going buddy!!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who have written
"first space write your moms name, second space, the chap who's responsible for you.

the level is pretty easy otherwise.
If you got all the answers then mind your own bussiness, go and play or do some work but don't make such comments here. Leave it for healthy competition.

Klueless2 Team: what are you doing, please take care of this blog, otherwise it will become the playground of the stuff life above.

Anonymous said...

@anon above me

first i need to know if you understood what i said coz i seriously doubt it man.
first space = ur ma's name
second space = ______

fill in the blanks boy.

Anonymous said...

man i've racked my brains enough over 20, someone please gimme a clue that says more than "its right there" or "look through the last six levels"

Anonymous said...

@anon above me:
May be I got, what u want to say.
But the way u said shows that, still, how illiterate & poor u r. Is this the way to say some thing. Go and have some

commmunication classes.May be it helps u up.

Anonymous said...

stuck@lvl20: a hint given in the blog was answer of one level was not used or discussed in next level. i felt last six levels all ans figured and the only ans which were not used were for level 9 and level 10. Mods i am going crazy, show me some light for lvl 20

Anonymous said...

to anon@level 20
The answer is simple.
Go to the level (somewhere in the 6 levels before the 20th) where you had to deal with numbers.
The solution for that level is the solution to the first part of the 20th level.
Can't be more "hinty" than this!!!

Anonymous said...

i present to you folks, the insecure fool:

May be I got, what u want to say.
But the way u said shows that, still, how illiterate & poor u r. Is this the way to say some thing. Go and have some

commmunication classes.May be it helps u

well well well, what does it matter to you what i say boy? what the matter with you? u stupid?

Anonymous said...

The solutions are not the same!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For level 20!
In one of the previous six levels, we use something (related to numbers) to get the answer.
There is a particular function in this thing that we use.
the function is the answer!!! :)

Anonymous said...

@the imposter
whoever you are, you aint man enough to use your name boldly and hence are using someone elses name, in this case mine.
Shame on you!
Stop spoiling the fun of others!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sadistic prick!
Anyways, do whatever you wish to.
No point in talking to a sadist.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

To Mr. Insecure and for others:

Its pathetic for you Mr. Insecure. At least ask that two person, whose fault you are. Go and drink milk with complan, to talk as grown ups.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

What an ASS spoilt all the fun for all you guys who still are working out the answers......


Anonymous said...

yes i couldnt agree more, i mean cmon guys whats the fun of putting up all the answers? cmon man rohit not cool

Unknown said...

Come on Guys this was a sad ending, there are lots of other ways of winning klueless but one has to be frank enough to keep the answers away from blogspace. Team Klueless has worked so hard only for us and this is not appreciated at all. I feel sorry for the chap who could do this insane thing.
Team Klueless your efforts are very much appreciated and we are proud of you guys at IRIS making such an amazing stuff. Looking foward to Klueless 3 and for that insane chap hope he gets a BSOD now.... Amen

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

how do we get to level 21?

Anonymous said...

dear moderator of this blog,plz delete the spoiler blogs...:X
it spoils the fun of solving!

Avinash said...

Hints to level 13 is very obvious in the blog... mods can you delete them, they are taking away the fun for others.

Klueless 2 said...

Hi Everyone,

Guys we can't control each and depends upon ur own choice whether to take help of blog or not. As adviced it will b awesome experience if u don even look at this blog. This is only for people who r stuck at some level for long time enough.

It is for discussion and interaction. People who are posting spoilers and/or complete list of answers seem to be either jealous of the success of Klueless2 or are frustrated souls in their life.

Please refrain from using filthy language in blog and maintain its sanctity, use it for the purpose it has been made.

Have nice discussions....we r moderating it till the end ..don worry!!! (We also have classes and schedules for the please excuse us for that)

N thanks to those who supported the cause :)

Have fun!!!

Vineet Gera
Team Klueless2

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

can som1 help @14...stuck 4 long time....som good clues plzzzzz

Anonymous said...

For 14th, get the probability right.
There is one other thing, which has the same probability as that for its solution.
Its something which many consider as a challenge to do.
So, search for that probabililty, but in a different form. The answer is right there in Google!!!

I thank the Mods for having deleted the blogs left by the imposter who was blogging as me.

Anonymous said...

@rohit krishna
hey m weak in probability stuff ...
can u giv som more explicit hint....

Klueless 2 said...

Guys n Gals plz register yourselves with the orkut community of Klueless2
so that we can contact you as and when we have new offering.

Vineet Gera
Team Klueless2

Anonymous said...

....mods please provide som clues for level good clues in th blog...

Jeannette Marsh Gaitonde said...

level 18 answer plz send to

im dying here plz

ldmallya said...

Any clues for Level 10
Know that Ode to Joy is beethoven's play but what is 115

Unknown said...

Level 18:
1. There is a relationship between the cards and the letters.
2. In Flush, each person shows 1 card at a time.
3. The order is clockwise. It matters.

Use 2 and 3 to find 1.
Mods, if it is either too confusing or too obvious, please delete the post.

Anonymous said...

can nyone help me out with level 20
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it has been quite long now since i'm stuck here

Anonymous said...

somebody please hint on level 5.... i have spent 3 hrs ...and no clue wht so ever

Unknown said...

Level 20:
1. Read the earlier clues. They are really good.
2. Think Metallica and maybe it will trigger something :-)
3. Keep trying. It is not as difficult or obscure as you think it is.

Mods, if it is either too confusing or too obvious, please delete the post.

Sthupit Girl said...

@14: there are a few. and they are enough. search here and then google.

Lost....................... said...

started 2day. amazing game.cant give up. kudos to klueless developers.

nw i m stuck at level 9. plz gimme some hint

Anonymous said...

level 20
kuchh to hint badhao, i've got the essence, but dun know how to fill it. i mean i hope the ppl who've already been thru this, r understanding. i'm nt able to fill the answer in required format. so plz guide thru the 'second' textbox's element

Off beat said...

I can see lot of ppl are suffering wit lvl 3 ..
The thing is , its not known how to enter the answer into the box.
Only enter the type of the pipe in the box . nothing else.
If anyone would have written this simple line i would'nt have spent 4 hrs.

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